Saturday, December 14, 2013

Oh hello, again

I've been a naughty blogger. I've not posted on here in months! Believe me when I say I've thought about it tons, I've just not gotten around to it.

This blog was originally created for one of my classes in the Spring '13 semester. It was used as a 4 week project, but in that time I thought to myself that it would be lovely to keep it updated and carry on with it. However there proves to be a tiny problem. It's themed off my little [not] nieces and nephews and I live far away in a land that is Pennsylvania, so I'm never around to see my little ones.

I came home for semester break though, last night, and I've already seen my main girls twice, so I thought I'd try to keep this going on for a bit while I'm home. I get a full month this year, so hopefully there will be plenty of posts in that time.

Monday, June 10, 2013


Well hello readers! I wanted to update you on Robert, he's almost 11mo old & he's walking!!! It's so exciting & nerve racking to watch, but it makes you so happy after seeing it. So, in honor of him, here's a link to a video so you can watch Robert walk!


Friday, May 31, 2013

Kids can be amazing sometimes

I was watching Ellen the other day & she had a 5 year old musical prodigy on who not only played piano but also spoke fluently both English & Mandarin. Ellen is pretty known for bringing talented, bubbly children on her show (we all know Sophia Grace & Rosie) so seeing a young child with talent shouldn't be too much of a surprise, right? 
I don't know what it is but every time I see a child with any ability beyond picking their nose, I'm amazed! Sure you hear stories like Justin Bieber playing the drums at 2 & you see kids on tv all the time, but to actually see a child right in front of you, playing an instrument, singing soulfully, or dancing better than a professional is so incredible. 
While the talent I see in the kids around me (all of my [not] nieces & nephews) may not be Ellen Show worthy, I have some pretty amazing kids in my life. Brianna is learning to sing (& her daddy's making sure she's in tune), Mady is dancing & learning songs too, & little 10 month old Robert Davis can keep a beat better than a lot of adults I know. 
All of this is basically to say that I am really blesses & amazed at the talent o the children around me.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Happy Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a time when families get together. Whether a military family or not, everyone across America takes time to draw their loved ones near & enjoy the day together. A popular American tradition is the Memorial Day cookout. My family, like many others, indulged on this tradition yesterday. We had everyone over and my day quickly became full of whiny children, watermelon, bar-be-que chicken, tee-ball, sunshine, smiles, catch, & corn on the cob! 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

This is happening right now, and I am so so happy.
I got home from my Sophomore year of college yesterday. After a 6 & 1/2 hour long drive, I quickly said hello to my family, unpacked the car, & found my way to my bed. About an hour or two later I heard little footsteps, I opened my eyes and there they were. Brianna & Mady were at the end of my bed, smiling from ear to ear, so excited to see me.

They really missed me a lot, & all night they kept telling me that they loved me, that they were "Callie's girls", and that they missed me "too much". They're the sweetest. 
I don't understand how they like me so much, but they do, & as much as they may drive me crazy some days, I love them so much & being around them makes me very happy. 

Stay tuned...

Although this blog was started for one of my classes this past semester, I'm not shutting it down. This summer, I'm going to be seeing these kids a lot, & I want to share with everyone how much I learn from them.